Sunday, October 21, 2012

Butterfly Flutterby

We knew that we landed in the right spot on Saturday morning when we were greeted with wings, glitter, and bobbing antennas on Main Street in Grapevine.  It was the annual Butterfly Flutterby when thousands of butterflies migrating to Mexico from Canada make a quick stop in Grapevine while traveling south for the winter.  We enjoyed the parade, the butterfly release, the arts and crafts, and pretty autumn scenes on a picture-perfect Saturday morning in October.

The girls loved the parade!  After all, they are my daughters.  :)

 Releasing butterflies was, of course, the main event.

 ...And I can never resist taking some pictures with the kids when a cozy autumn scene presents itself.


  1. So much fun!! A perfect family outing

  2. Grapevine has so many fun things to do! Can't wait until Christmas!
