Monday, September 20, 2010

Barneys or Bust

Well, here’s a second post about Saturday night’s adventures at North Park Mall because not retelling it for posterity would really be a disservice to Liam when he gets old enough to be embarrassed by his parents. It works both ways, dear boy.

When Jon and I go to malls, we seem to have certain areas were we always park. Instead of entering the mall through Neiman Marcus like we usually do, I had Jon park a little further down to be closer to my, as previously mentioned, favorite kids’ clothing store. Unfortunately, the doors to the mall were locked at that entrance, and the next available opening was Barneys. Jon and I both know that Barneys New York is not the kind of store that caters to kids, so we were just going to walk on by to the next doorway. However, as we approached the entrance, a cheerful valet, swung open the door and said, “Welcome to Barneys!” And with that, we ventured in. All fiv
e of us. Somehow, Jon squeezed the double stroller through the gold-rimmed doors as I dragged Liam from behind.

Earlier that day, we talked about going to the Galleria, but at the last minute decided on North Park instead, and Liam apparently didn’t get the memo. We were halfway through the store when he started animatedly screaming, “Galleria, Galleria,” only it didn’t sound like Galleria. It sounded exactly like diarrhea. And, despite frantic shushing and desperate ploys for redirection, he didn’t stop until we were out into the mall. Nice.

After eating dinner, buying cute baby clothes, seeing Laura Bush, and visiting the ducks and turtles, it was time to go home. Fearlessly, Jon led the pack back through the high-end store, as the sale people greeted us once again. This time, Liam decided it was time to start being cooperative…in the potty training process, that is. “Mama, I have to poopy! Have to POOP and pee!!!” And that could be the reason why Barneys New York doesn’t have a clothing line for kids.


  1. Awesome! I just died laughing at this! Love it!

  2. please don't post any of my poop stories!

  3. Thanks, Mindy. It was great to see you at the baby showers. It would be fun to have you guys and Tohlens over sometime soon. I'll bet the boys are getting so big!

  4. Hooray, sounds like potty training success! The joys of boys and potty training! ;) Shawn was excited to see that Liam is potty training too! :)
