Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Color Run Fun

I surprised Liam with a happy date on Saturday morning, and we headed over to the Graffiti Run in Fort Worth.  Believe me, this was not at all about the running part, but completely about the graffiti part.  The colored powder was flying from the second we arrived.  Flying.  Liam will tell you that he won our color "fight," but I pretty sure I did.  Then we started the run walk.  About every half mile or so, spraying stations were set up to bombard runners with a different color.  By the end, ever inch of the boy was a different color of the rainbow.  I actually stripped him down to his underwear before loading him in the car to head home.  The mess factor was off the charts on this outing, and so was the fun factor.  (Notice, my camera only lasted until the first splash of pink, and fearing for its safety, I tucked it away the remainder of the morning).
