Monday, June 18, 2012

Creative Juices are Flowing

Usually I'm the one who makes up a bedtime story for Liam, but last week, he created one for me.  Here's Liam's bedtime story:

Once there was a dragon, and once there was a witch.  When the dragon wasn't looking, the witch took a bite out of the dragon's tail and then ran away.  Ouch, that really hurt the dragon.  The dragon had a friend who was a fox.  The fox and dragon decided that they were going to go hunt down the witch and make her pay for what she did.  It's not nice to bite off someone's tail!  Well, they found the witch, but instead of getting revenge, she captured the dragon and locked him in jail.  Luckily, the dragon had a big pair of scissors with him and was able to cut through the bars and break free.  Since the dragon played baseball for the Texas Rangers, he had a game to play, so off he went.  (By the way, he did hit a home run that had the crowd cheering as he ran the bases.)  Since the dragon was busy playing baseball, it was up to the fox to find the witch.  He searched far and wide, until he finally found the witch on vacation at the beach.  The fox grabbed her, threw her on a pirate ship, and she was thrown overboard and never seen again.  The.End.

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