Monday, March 5, 2012

Ellery's Visit to the Hospital

 Our little Ellie had to have an advanced hearing test today, called an ABR, at Children's Medical Center because when we took her to the ENT earlier this year, the doctor thought something might be going on with her right ear .  We had good news--Ellery may have the best hearing in our house--perfect in both ears.  It only took about an hour from beginning to end, but because she had to be completely still during the procedure, she needed general anesthesia.  That was the worst part.  They gave her some "happy juice" just before the nurse wheeled her to the testing room, and that stuff really worked.  As if about to leave for Willie Wonka's Chocolate Factory, a giddy, smiley girl left us, but an hour later, there were no smiles to be seen from this little one.  A thrashing, angry, Incredible Hulk-like child, ripping out her IV,  returned to us.  Thanks to PBS kids, a box of apple juice, and time our sweet Ellery was back.  And for the rest of the day, she was pretty much back to normal. 

The effects of happy juice...
(I begged the doctor to sell me a gallon, but apparently there are rules against that.)

1 comment:

  1. Haha. I bet there are a lot of parents who would be beg for a jug of THAT juice! ;) Glad Miss Ellery's hearing is perfect!
