Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Big August

Lots of monumental happenings occurred in our house in August.
Drum Roll, please...

The girls officially earned the title of "Potty Trained!"  Or, as Marin calls it, house-broken.  :)  For the first time in over five years, we haven't had to purchase diapers at Sam's Club, and it feels GREAT!

Liam started kindergarten.  Such a big boy.  He loves it, and for the past two weeks, he has come home singing his color songs, reciting his memory verse, and Lord's Prayer.  I love that Sloan School still emphasizes memorization.  I firmly believe that it adds such a layer of richness to his education.  He also has a "girlfriend," but I'm pretty much sworn to secrecy on that for now.  Ha!

I began a new teaching gig (more on that later) that I absolutely love.  Absolutely. Love.

Jon started the school year strong at Crockett, and he's pretty optimistic about his art classes this semester.

Promotion Sunday meant that all three littles moved up into different classes.  Liam graduated from the Pre-K ministry and into the children's ministry.

The kids are still outside swimming quite a bit.  And watching Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.

Jon has become the master of our grill.  Yum!

Jon and I have started working with Bounce, a children's ministry at church.

The girls are having fun and love being in Ms. Erin's class at Sloan School.

Jon and I appreciate having one drop-off and pick-up spot for all three kiddos each day.  Makes our mornings much easier.

We're getting back into the swing of things around here.

August was a sweet ending to a summer packed full of fun and adventure.
And a great beginning to a terrific school year ahead!

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