Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sugar and Spice

Although it's hard to tell from these sonogram pictures, our doctor told us today that Liam is going to have two little sisters! I'll go ahead right now, and admit that my intuition is a little flawed. I felt for sure we were having a boy and a girl. Jon, however, suspected that they were both girls and has been telling me this for weeks. He also said that he is going to have to teach Liam to "man-up" and get ready for the little sisters. My Dad suggested that Liam and Jon form a boy-alliance, since in June (?) they will be outnumbered in the Bushwar household.


  1. Girls! Congratulations! how are you feeling? Well, I hope!

  2. Feeling great, but just as big now as I was when Liam was born! A little over two more months to go...
