Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Candy Dream Land

When I picked Liam up from daycare yesterday afternoon, Brenda told me that while he was napping, he had the biggest grin on his face…eyes closed and just smiling away. She said she wondered what he was dreaming about. I thought for a minute and told her that he was probably dreaming about candy. For the past week, he’s really been into the sweet stuff, especially M&M's. Whenever we get home, he points to the kitchen counter where we keep the candy and hollers, “Canny, Canny!” It could be because Grandpa was slipping him lollipops and chocolate all weekend. I'm sure it's not because Jon and I have indulged his sweet tooth for the sake of not wanted to deprive our little guy of the candy fun of Halloween.  I hate to break it to Liam, but once the Halloween candy runs out, it won’t be as easy for him to get his sugar fix.

Here's a sleeping Liam from this summer.  He probably wasn't dreaming about candy in this shot.

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