Monday, January 10, 2011

Christmas Post, Finally.

December was filled to the brim with Christmas festivities--church programs, tree trimmings, attending parties, hosting parties, drives to look at lights, shopping, wrapping gifts, mailing cards, baking cookies, trips out of town, out-of-town visitors, visits from Santa, no school for two weeks, and lots of time with friends and family.  Here's our Christmas in pictures:


Christmas Party Time...the whole family at Erika's party.

Marin loved the lights and Christmas carols

I love baking cookies at Christmas, and my book club does a cookie exchange that's starting to become tradition.  Lots of fun! 

Ellery loves Christmas!

Looking into the living room from the den

Debby, Jeff, and Avonlea stopped in Dallas on their way to Minnesota, so we had an early little Christmas celebration with them.  Look at how big the girls are getting!

Avonlea likes her Christmas gifts.

Five stockings this year on our mantle

One of my besties, Marybeth.  It was fun to spend some time with her while she was in town over the holidays.

We have birthdays to celebrate at Christmas, too.   Here's the Bushwar gang at Gracyn's birthday party.

Kati playing with birthday girl, Gracyn, and Liam.

Liam's Christmas gift from Memaw and Poppie was a set of drums.  The boy loves drums right now.


The kiddos with Nana and Papa on Christmas Eve after going to church.

The Bushwar/Mikeska gang on Christmas Eve

The five of us

Liam decorating his cookie for Santa

Christmas p.j. picture with the cousins

Cookies and milk for Santa


Santa came!

The girls didn't really know what to think...

Liam loved his bike and decided he needed to wear his super hero cape when he jumped on for a ride.  He still puts it on when he flies around the house on that bike.

Super Liam!

Jon and Ellery opening gifts on Christmas morning


Debby playing with Liam and Avonlea

Liam likes to help Uncle Patrick make coffee.

Snow Baby Avonlea

Liam opening more presents

Great-Grandma Moline and Liam

Marin loves Lisa

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