The 2009 Bushwar Top Ten
10) This year saw big changes for Liam…he went from a spitting-up, non-mobile, full-cheeked baby to a little boy who loves to run, talk, play, and fiddle around with vacuums.
9) In July, the Bushwars took a fantastic trip with Susan’s family to North Eastern Canada where they saw whales and Cape Spear in Newfoundland, Green Gables and a ceidleigh in Prince Edward Island, and tall ships and Canadian cousins in Nova Scotia.
8) Just another case supporting Jon’s proposal of a bridge spanning the state of Oklahoma, the car’s transmission died a hundred miles north of Texas. Refusing to surrender to the red soil, they hobbled back to Irving before getting it fixed.
7) In April, the Bushwars joined First Baptist Irving, became directors of a new Sunday school class in August, and are finding themselves increasingly busy with church activities.
6) Finally able to make the break, Jon and Susan had their first mini-vacation away from Liam in June to Brenham, Texas. They filled the void by consuming pints and pints of Blue Bell ice cream after they toured the creamery.
5) Jon celebrated Father Day in the ER after popping Liam elbow out-of-socket. Even though Susan slid it back into place when she took off Liam’s shirt in the exam room, Jon still received an honorary Father’s Day lecture (not free of charge) from the doctor about the fragility of little boys.
4) In July, Susan accepted a new position as an instructional coach. Contrary to the job’s title, no athletic ability is necessary for this particular “coaching” position.
3) Jon slept for two days straight over Labor Day weekend while Susan and Liam had a fun visit with her brother and sister-in-law in Charleston.
2) This year’s main home improvement project was re-landscaping the back yard after learning that a yard full of mulch and a swimming pool don’t really mix.
And the #1 Bushwar event of 2009…
1) Following the national trend of cut-backs, Jon and Susan decided that Liam’s main gift for Christmas this year would be homespun…a permanent playmate, or, ahem…playmates would be more appropriate. However, the delivery date isn’t expected until the end of June.